Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who Killed Prof. John Evans Atta Mills?

This is a big lesson to all...Life, money, power all seem important but life is the most important.
Our world is driven by the people around us and us. If i choose to overlook my interest and be selfless in order to have something very elusive called success which by itself is subjective, then probably i don't know what am doing or i just signed a suicide note.
If an attempt to be altruistic never save my generation, the act is worthless. If for the interest of others i sacrifice my well being and in the end i loose myself for people who never cared about me and my well being, i believe it was worthless making that sacrifice.
When someone tells you, "you are sick" and you know u are sick, you say "thank you." and do not take it as offensive even if that person happens to be an 'enemy'. Words of encouragement are great but not when the goal or the end result is detrimental.
None is immortal...